Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Better Hearing Is Being Made More Convenient

Smartphone’s technology is advancing constantly and become the center of our life.  It evolved from simple organizer to including camera, GPS, email, Internet browsing and thousands of applications that allows us to manage our business and life with more ease and fun. One of the newest smartphone applications and a finalist in the 2011 Asian Innovation Awards,  is an application that can enhance your hearing.

 According to the article, http://online.wsj.com/article/SB10001424053111903520204576485174026037728.html#articleTabs%3Darticle, a group of hearing health professionals and sound engineers has created a Smartphone application that can assess your hearing profile and then calibrate the phone to enhance its sound output to match your needs. Users will be able to assess their own hearing in a quiet room by performing a hearing test that takes about five minutes. The device will capture and assess the individuals hearing profile, and then calibrate the Smartphone to adjust and enhance its sound output by filling in gaps in the part of the sound spectrum where hearing is less than ideal. It doesn't just make everything louder. 

 The team hopes to move beyond Smartphone’s in the near future, and implant the ACEHearing firmware in headsets, earphones, MP3 players and even telephone servers and switchboards.

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